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Progetti di ricerca nazionali
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Archivio progetti di ricerca nazionali
Life Sciences
2020FR7TCL - New pharmacological targets to cure disabling retinal diseases
A systems thinking driven approach to investigate the contribution of metabolic derangements due to aminoacid deprivation in driving genomic instability in mantle cell lymphoma
ADAPT - Influence of Agro-climatic conDitions on the microbiome and genetic expression of grApevines for the Production of red wines: a mulTisciplinary approach
An integrated approach to tackle the interplay among adaptation, stressful conditions and antimicrobial resistance of challenging pathogens
Antidepressant drugs effect on the gender-dependent development of depressive behavior induced by early neuroinflammatory hit: a multitask approach from mice to patients
BiLiGeCT - Biopsie liquide per la gestione Clinica dei Tumori
Bioenergetics and inflammation: novel insights for new therapeutic approaches in Alzheimer's Disease
Biopesticides for sustainable insect pest control
CARDIO-SEX - Cardiovascular and sexual/reproductive wellbeing in andro-metabolic disorders: a joint venture between lifestyle and drugs to improve vascular inflammation and oxidative damage (CARDIO-SEX)
Dissecting and targeting a novel immunometabolic checkpoint in multiple myeloma
Dissecting non-canonical actions of insulin receptor isoforms in breast cancer progression and metabolic reprogramming
DOPAMINE - Dysbindin genetic interaction: a multidisciplinary approach to characterize cognitive phenotypes of schizophrenia and develop personalized treatments
GodScapes - Modeling Second Millennium BCE Polytheisms in the Eastern Mediterranean
Greentech - Greentech Mediterranean Innovation Hub
HA Carnosina - Progetto di sviluppo del principio attivo HA Carnosina e del suo utilizzo sotto forma di farmaco per la cura delle patologie osteoarticolari e dispositivo medico per la riparazione tissutale
IDF Sharid - Innovative devices for shaping the risk of diabetes
Impact of autophagy activation on cardiac remodeling and vascular damage: a translational study
INCIPIT - INtegrated Computer modeling and monitoring for Irrigation Planning in ITaly
IR3MA Parkinson Cyclone In Life
ISIDE - Investigating Self Incompatibility DEterminants in fruit trees
N-terminal hexokinase 1 peptide against mitochondrial dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: an in vitro and in iPS cells study
NAOCON - Nuovi Antimicrobici Ottenuti da Composti di Origine Naturale
New therapeutic tools to prevent diabetic retinopathy
Nuovi agenti antitumorali dotati di meccanismo di azione multi-targeting
Optical nanoscopy to investigate the origin and evolution of oncogene-induced genomic damage
PEPSLA - Development of synthetic peptides as molecules to be initiated in clinical studies on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Photocontrolled release of nitric oxide as a novel strategy to amplify dexorubicin activity in cancer
ProTIDol - Validazione di un prodotto terapeutico innovativo per la gestione del dolore cronico primario limitando l’infiammazione persistente e la neuroinfiammazione associate
Role of metal dyshomeostasis and ubiquitin-proteasome system derangement in brain pathologies: risk factors and neuroprotective strategies
Smart dairy farming - Innovative solutions to improve herd productivity
SMART-UP - Miglioramento della Competitività e Sostenibilità delle Filiere mediterranee agroalimentari attraverso il Recupero di Scarti e Sottoprodotti, la Tutela della Biodiversità e lo Sviluppo di nuovi Prodotti
Sustainable poultry production chain: biocontrol measures, new dietary approaches and novel packaging strategies
Targeting the connection between deregulated insulin/igf axis and rage signalling in breast cancer patients
Technical and biotechnology innovations in perennial lignocellulosic crops for the production of bioenergy, green building and furniture panels
The Incretin Hormones and their analogues as physiological and pharmacological regulators of a complex multi-organ network
Physical Sciences and Engineering
ADAS+ - Sviluppo di tecnologie e sistemi avanzati per la sicurezza dell'auto mediante piattaforme ADAS- ADAS+
Advanced power-trains and -systems for full electric aircrafts
AGM FOR CUHE - Materiali di nuova generazione per il restauro dei beni culturali: nuovo approccio alla fruizione
Autonomous In-vivo Brain-Machine-Interface in 28nm-CMOS technology with Ultrasound-based Power-Harvester and Communication-Link (Brain28nm)
CLEAN - Valorizing Sustainable Plastics through a CLEver use of NANoparticles
ENIGMA - Egocentric Navigator for Industrial Guidance, Monitoring and Anticipation
ICE-VOLC - MultiparametrIC Experiment at antarctica VOLCanoes: data from volcano and cryosphere-ocean-atmosphere dynamics
Innovative numerical methods for evolutionary partial differential equations and applications
LIQUID_EDGE - Liquid edge computing based on distributed machine learning and millimeter-wave radio access
MAMMA - Multiple Advanced Materials Manufactured by Additive technologies
Multiple equilibria in natural and biological fluids: from speciation to selective sequestering
Multiscale phenomena in Continuum Mechanics: singular limits, off-equilibrium and transitions
MUSE-4D - Overtime tectonic, dynamic and rheologic control on destructive multiple seismic events - Special Italian Faults & Earthquakes: from real 4D cases to models
MUSSEL - Mussel-inspired functional biopolymers for underwater adhesion, surface/interface derivatization and nanostructure/composite self-assembly
PBCT - Proton Boron Capture Therapy
PHOLIES - Photoresponsive host-guest functional systems in liposomes
SETI - Sicilia Eco Tecnologie Innovative
SPHERE - Software architecture for Predictable HEterogeneous REal-time systems
STOFOCS - Stochastic forecasting in complex systems
STOLEN MOLECULES - Stealing natural products from the depot and reselling them as new drug candidates
SUMMIT - Supporto multipiattaforma per applicazioni IoT
TALISMAN - Tecnologie di assistenza personalizzata per il miglioramento della qualità della vita
TESTARE - TEST ARea per la transizione Ecologica
THALASSA - TecHnology And materials for safe Low consumption And low life cycle cost veSSels And ctafts
The inorganic side of lysosome cell biology: the network of metal-protein interactions
USR342 - Urban safety, sustainability, and resilience: 3 paving solutions, 4 sets of modules, 2 platforms
V.E.D.I. - Vision exploitation for data interpretation
VECTORS - Advanced Network Control of Future Smart Grids
Social Sciences and Humanities
Bellini in the 21st Century: Critical Editions, Documents, Performances, Videos
Designing effective policies for Politically Correct: A rhetorical/pragmatic model of total speech situation
EWAS - eWAS- Un sistema di allerta precoce per il patrimonio culturale
F.O.R.M.A. - Formazione Opportunità e Risorse per Migranti in Agricoltura
Istruzione e sviluppo nel sud Italia dall'Unità all'età giolittiana (1861-1914)
Legal History and Mass Migration - Integration, Exclusion, and Criminalization of Migrants in the 19th and 20th Century
Migrazioni, spaesamento e appaesamento: letture antropologiche del nesso rituali/migrazioni in contesti di Italia meridionale
Regional policy, institutions and cohesion in the South of Italy Politiche regionali, istituzioni e coesione nel Mezzogiorno d'Italia
The Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy - Settlement, economy and resilience in changing territorial and landscape contexts
WEAKI TRANSIT - WEAK-demand areas Innovative TRANsport Shared services for Italian Towns
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