Università di Catania
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Smart Networks: modeling and experimental approaches

The internship program will be organized as follows

Weeks 1-4: Study of the relevant literature in the field of smart networks

Weeks 5-8: Elaboration of a model for the specific smart network addressed in the project with a focus on smart mobility scenarios

Weeks 9-12:  Experimental assessment, also by employing machine learning tools, of the model elaborated during the previous weeks





Prof.ssa Galluccio Laura


- Knowledge and skills to be acquired during the internship (expected results) 

The student will gain some knowledge about smart networks and smart mobility scenarios. Also he will become familiar with literature and models on characterization of smart mobility of heterogeneous vehicles including simulators, such as SUMO and other open source tools. 

He will improve his skills in programming, possibly considering also the use of machine learning tools to predict also users’ features in smart networks.

- Monitoring plan

The monitoring plan will consist of progress reporting and final presentation of the work

- Evaluation plan

The student will present the activity carried out during a final colloquium


Study cycle: 
post graduate
Languages skills required: 
English B1
3 months
first semester
Research centre/company involved: 
laboratori DIEEI
Accident insurance during working hours only and Liability insurance
Traineeship type: 
non Erasmus placement