- Università KORE Enna
- TopNetwork Spa
- Università di Messina
- Università di Palermo
- Etna Digital Growth srl
- CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
- CREA - Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria
- STLabs
- Quantum Leap IP – Divisione di Infinity Edge srl
- UPMC Italy
- Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
- Etna HiTech SCpA
- STMicroelectronics Srl
- Meridionale Impianti ApA
- Fondazione Bruno Kessler
- Power Evolution
- Engineering Ingegneria Informatica SpA
- Bcame srl
- LPE spa
- Xenia Progetti srl
- Rainshow srl
- Advanced Medical Engineering Devices
The Ecosystem SAMOTHRACE aims to realize the vision of a global collaboration environment among major actors in the area of microelectronics, microsystems, materials and microtechnologies that have been operating with base in Sicily but with a global perspective.
SAMOTHRACE focuses on the European Commission global challenge “Digital, Industry & Space”, but it also addresses other challenges as “Health”, “Energy & Mobility”, “Agriculture & Environment”. SAMOTHRACE will operate in accordance with most of the “Global Sustainable Development Goals”: improving sustainable agriculture, ensuring healthy lives, achieving gender equality and inclusion, providing modern energy for all, promoting sustainable growth, supporting sustainable industrial growth.