University of Catania
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Collection of mineropetrographic, geophysical and geochemical measuring instruments

Via Santa Sofia 64 - 95123 Catania

Scientific Coordinator: prof. Rosolino Cirrincione

The Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences houses a collection of measuring instruments along with their respective mineropetrographic, geophysical and geochemical properties including those that have been used since the mid 19th century by various scholars from mineropetrographic and geophysical disciplines at the University of Catania. The view offered to visitors of this collection is that of a full landscape of the main stages marked by geosciences in Catania where great names in history have actually excelled.

The collection is divided into different sections:

  • Topographic instruments (levels, tachometers, compasses)
  • Instruments for chemical and physical analysis (scales, Westphal balance, weights)
  • Geophysical instruments (the georesistimeter, geophones, pendulums and variometers)
  • Optical measuring instruments with mineropetrographic properties (refractometers, polarizing microscopes, polarimeters).